24PetWatch is a pet health insurance company for both cats and dogs, as well as a lost pet recovery service that’s gained a lot of popularity in recent years among pet owners thanks to the company’s widely used Microchip ID for pets that helps owners to quickly and easily find their loved companion if they ever run away or get stolen by some creepy bad guy. The 24PetWatch Microchip provides permanent pet identification, and it is without any doubt the best chance of recovering your pet if it ever gets lost. Attaching the microchip to your pet’s body is a quick, simple, and also painless process that only takes about five minutes to implement, and the best part is that you will never have to change or replace the microchip for a new one, because it actually lasts for your pet’s lifetime.
Keep in mind that most lost pets are found, not by their owners, but by random people instead that take them to shelters and other places where the chances of their owners finding them are greatly reduced, with this advanced Microchip you will be able to know your pet’s exact location, and you’ll be able to easily identify him even if your cat or dog has gone through drastic physical changes.
Using the service is very easy, you simply have to sign up for an account and then you can start monitoring your pet’s well being online. If your pet runs away, gets stolen or lost, then simply call 1-866-597-2424 as soon as you realize that your pet is missing, the company will then report your pet as being lost in their database, and if your pet is found after being taken to a vet or a shelter they will instantly call you to let you know that your pet is alright, and they’ll also tell you where you can pick him up.
24PetWatch Login – Account Access Tutorial
1. Go to 24PetWatch’s sign in page located at the following url: http://www.24petwatch.com/US/Lost_pet/ownerlogin.aspx.
Or, you can also access your account via the site’s Shelter log in page at http://www.24petwatch.com/US/Lost_pet/Shelterlogin.aspx.
Keep in mind that both access forms are exactly the same, so the instructions that you will find below apply for both.
2. Enter your user ID in the first field of the access form located on the right side of your screen.
3. Enter your 24PetWatch user password in the second field box.
4. Now simply click the red colored button at the bottom that says “Login” and that’s it, you’re in!
24PetWatch Sign Up – Request Access
Go to http://www.24petwatch.com/US/Lost_pet/Shelter_Request_Access.aspx and fill out the registration form located in the center of your screen. Simply select your country from the drop down menu at the top, enter your zip or postal code, enter your address, enter the name of the city where you live, enter the name of the state where you reside, enter your organization’s name, enter your administrator’s first and last name, enter your telephone number, type your email address, and then click on the red button at the bottom of the registration form that says “Submit”.
24PetWatch Password Reset Instructions
If you forget or lose your password go to the site’s sign in page following the steps that I previously described, and click on the “Forgot Your Password? Click Here” link which is located at the bottom of the page,
or you could instead go directly to http://www.24petwatch.com/US/Lost_pet/shelter-forgotpassword.aspx, enter your email address, and click “Submit”.