American Express

American Express, commonly reffered to as AmEx, is a multinational financial services corporation with headquarters in New York City, USA. AmEx is one of the biggest credit card and financial services companies in the world, it is very popular its credit card, charge card, and traveler’s checks services. Card services include ExpressPay, American Express OPEN for small businesses, Commercial cards and services, and Non-proprietary cards.

The company also provides non card products, apart from the traveler’s checks that we all know, you’ll also be able to access products that include the Shearson/American Express, financial advisors, travel services and even publishing services such as Travel & Leisure, Executive Travel, Food & Wine and Departures magazines.

American Express Sign Up
amex logo
To access your American Express account online you will first have to create an account, if you haven’t registered your card yet click here to do it now. After sign up come back to this page to learn how to login, if you do not know how to do it or if you are having problems follow the steps below.

American Express Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Now from the drop down menu select the type of account that you want to use to access the site. The options are: Card, Check and Pay Bill, Membership Rewards, Merchant Site, My Merchant Account OMS, America Express @ Work, etc.

american express sign in step 1

3. Then enter your User ID in the first field of the access form located to the left side of your screen.

american express sign in step 2

4. Enter your American Express password in the second field.

american express sign in step 3

5. The last step is to simply click the blue button at the bottom that reads “Log In” and that’s it, you are in!

american express sign in step 4

American Express User ID and Password Reset Instructions

If you forget your password or your user ID click here, enter the required information, click “Continue”, and then follow the provided instructions to get your account access details as soon as possible.

About AMEX.