Athlean X

Athlean-X is one of the best online training programs out there, after signing up you will gain access to the members area where you will be able to see different routines for each day, and you will have Jeff Cavaliere as your own personal trainer as he walks you through every step of each exercise throughout the entire routine/program. The program includes a really effective meal plan and most training sessions last less than 30 minutes, that’s until you make it to AX2 of course, because training sessions start to get a little bit longer and that’s when things start to get really hard!

I have completed both programs, Athlean-X (AX-1 Training Camp) and AX-2 (Athlean-Xtreme), I’m a huge fan of Jeff Cavaliere’s training methods because they have actually helped me get fit, more fit than I’ve ever been in my life and, I’ve been an athlete all my life, I was an amateur boxing champion in my country for years, I was even thinking about going pro, but I decided not to do it because I landed an amazing job opportunity.
athlean x logo
The entire program has been carefully designed for you to reach the highest level of conditioning and fitness, Jeff’s motto is “Train Like an Athlete”, and boy oh boy does he really mean it. If you want to start using this program you will first have to complete AX1, then you can move on to AX2 and once you’re done with the second one you can start thinking about Athlean XERO which is a bodyweight only routine, perfect for those of you who don’t have the equipment or time to visit the gym every single day.

Athlean X Sign Up

Go to, choose a program and then buy it in order to get your user access details.

Athlean X Login – Step By Step Tutorial

(Note: It doesn’t matther which program you are using AX-1, AX-2 (Supreme Athlete), XERO or Ahtlean-XX for Women, the sign in page is the same for all programs. After accessing your account you will be able to see all the routines, meal plans, get tips and more using any mobile device or desktop and laptop computers)

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your username which in this case is the same as your email address in the first field of the access form located on the left side of your screen.

athlean x sign in step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box.

athlean x sign in step 2

4. Now simply click the big red “login” button at the bottom of the access form and that’s it, you are in!

athlean x sign in step 3

Athlean-X Password Recovery Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the program’s sign in page, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link located right beneath the red “login” button,

athlean x password recovery

enter your email address on the next page, and click on “Reset My Password”.

To sign out simply click the “log out” button located at the top right corner of the page. (See Image Below)

athlean x logout button


– I’ve been an Athlean-X User for nearly 2 years (Currently in the best shape of my life after completing AX2 and NXT).