Backpage is a free classifieds website where users can either place an ad with a photo, or they can search for other things instead such as houses for rent, apartments for rent, local jobs, and even items that are being sold near their location.[1] According to the Consumer Knowledge Network (Knoji) and, is the second biggest classified ads website in the world right after Craigslist. And, according to Joe Dorish, the author of the article that I read at, based on his own personal experience is much more effective than Backpage, however, he likes to post classifieds on both sites in order to reach more people.[2] After signing up for an account you can start posting local ads for free, there’s also an option that allows you to post in multiple cities, however, those are called sponsored ads, they get the best exposure on the site, which means they cost money.
To create a Backpage account go to, fill out the registration form located in the center of the page, and then click on the blue button at the bottom of the registration form that says “Create Account”.
Backpage Login – Step By Step Tutorial
1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:
2. Enter your email address in the first field of the access form located on the right center side of your screen.
3. Enter your user password in the second field box.
4. Now simply click the blue “Sign In” button located at the bottom and that’s it, you’re in!
Backpage Password Recovery Instructions
If you forget your password go back to the site’s log in page following the steps that I previously described, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link located on the left center side of the page,
enter your email address, and click on “Send Reminder”.