
beRecruited is a free online networking service for high school students who are also athletes looking for recruitment opportunities from colleges and universities in the USA.[1] After a student creates an account at he or she will be able to build a profile which contains verified academic and athletic information. Students can also use this service to find information about almost any university in the country, and it even provides them with the ability to contact college coaches.

beRecruited Sign Up
berecruited logo
Go to and fill out the form located on the left side of your screen, then click the “Start Now” button at the bottom and follow the provided instructions to get started right away. You can also sign up using your Facebook Profile information, creating an account this way is easier and quicker, simply click the “Join With Facebook” button located right beneath the registration form, accept the app, accept the terms of service (TOS) of the site, and you are done!

beRecruited Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your email address in the first field of the access form located on the upper right side of your screen.

berecruited sign in step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box.

berecruited sign in step 2

4. Now simply click the orange “Log in” button and that’s it.

berecruited sign in step 3

beRecruited Login With Facebook

You can also use your login information to access this website, all you have to do is go back to the site’s sign in page, click the “Join With Facebook” button that I talked about earlier, which is located on the lower left side of your screen, then accept the app and the Terms of Service (TOS), and you’re done.

beRecruited Password Recovery Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the site’s sign in page, click the “Forgot Password?” link located on the upper right corner of your screen,

berecruited password recovery

enter your email address on the next page, and click on the big orange button that says “Continue”.


1. About