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Chemistry is an online dating site for singles provided by However, this site’s mission is a little bit different and somewhat unique, especially when you compare it to its sister’s site objective, therefore it is aimed at a different target audience, which is basically people who are looking for long term relationships instead of casual flings. The site sets itself apart from other websites competing in the same industry thanks to its “world famous personality matching test” which uses an advanced algorithm developed by Dr. Helen Fisher.

What Dr. Helen Fisher’s matching algorithm does is basically find the best possible matches for every member on the site after answering a series of questions. For example, after taking the personality type test you will be provided with detailed information and insights about yourself that you probably didn’t even know, and about your potential dating partners as well. You will also receive messages with personalized matches every single day until you find someone that loves and stays with you forever. In order to achieve their objective the site uses its own patented feedback system which evaluates your activity and generates personalized suggestions to help you succeed in love, and as you probably already know, if you are able to succeed in love, then you’ll probably be able to succeed in life as well.[1][2]

To create a Chemistry account go to, fill out the registration form located inside a blue bubble that you will see on the left side of your screen, once you’ve filled out the form click the orange button at the bottom that says “Find Chemistry Now”, and then follow the provided instructions to start looking for potential love partners right away. Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to Chemistry’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your email address or user name in the first field of the access form located on the left side of your screen. sign in step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box. sign in step 2

4. Now simply click the green colored button at the bottom of the access form that says “Sign In” and that’s it, you’re in! sign in step 3 Password Recovery Instructions

If you forget or lose your password go back to the site’s log in page following the steps that I previously described, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link located right beneath the “password” text field, password recovery

enter the email address that you used when you first signed up as a member, and then click on the green button that says “Continue”.


1. How Works – Tour.
2. About