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EasyBib Login Information

In this page you will learn how to sign in to your EasyBib.com account, plus we will also share with you other useful information that you might need about this webiste and its services such as how to create an account (detailed sign up instructions), how to access the site using your social profiles information (Google+, Facebook, Yahoo!, AOL, OpenID), how to reset or recover your password and/or username, log out steps, and more.

EasyBib is a website that provides free citation services online, as well as note taking and research tools that will allow you to get your assignments done more quickly. The site is owned by Image Solutions, they call it an “intuitive information literacy platform” and it’s very effective because it also helps students learn how to become more effective and organized researchers. Neal and Darshan created the site because when they were in high school they noticed that the bibliography was always the most difficult and tedious part of the task, now people everywhere can take advantage of this advanced platform in order to get more done in less time, more efficiently.[1][2]

To start using EasyBib you will first have to create an account, if you don’t have one yet go to the site’s sign up page at https://www-secure.easybib.com/register, fill out the registration form located on the right side of the page, and click on the blue button at the bottom that says “Register”.

EasyBib Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url: https://www-secure.easybib.com/login.

2. Enter your email address or username in the first field of the access form located on the left side of your screen.

easybib sign in page step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box.

easybib sign in page step 2

4. Now simply click the blue button at the bottom that says “Login” and that’s it, you are in!

easybib sign in page step 3

EasyBib Login With Social Profiles

If you already have a Google+, Facebook, Yahoo!, AOL, or OpenID account, then you should try using this option instead because it will allow you to save a little bit of time and extra effort as well. Simply go back to the site’s access page using the above link, then click the button of the social profile that you want to use to access the site,

easybib sign in page social profiles

accept the app and the terms of service (TOS) of the site, and you are done.

EasyBib Password Recovery Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the site’s sign in page, click the “Forgot Your Login Info?” link located right beneath the blue button,

easybib password recovery

enter your email address, and click on the “Request New Password” button.


1. About EasyBib.com.
2. www.imagineeasy.com.