Florida Virtual School (FLVS)

Login to Florida Virtual School, more commonly referred to as FLVS is an online public school that offers more than 120 courses in subjects such as Grammar, Geometry, Math, Science and more. The best thing about this service is that any student between kindergarten and 12th grade can take any course offered by FLVS for free, as long as they are Florida residents of course. The Florida Virtual School is recognized as one of the leaders in the online learning field, they have been innovating and providing an advanced e-learning model for almost 20 years now, they obviously have a lot of experience, and their results proof that their system really works.[1]

Florida Virtual School Sign Up

To join Florida Virtual School (FLVS) go to the site’s sign in page using the link below, click on the orange button located on the left side of the page that says “New Students Start Here”, depending on your location click on one of the three options that you will see in the center of the page, choose a county, choose a student type, and then click on the “Continue” button that you’ll see near the bottom of the page.

Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url: https://ar.flvs.net/Step1WarmUp.aspx, or, https://login.flvs.net/.

2. Enter your username in the first field of the access form located on the right side of your screen.

florida virtual school flvs sign in page step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box.

florida virtual school flvs sign in page step 2

4. Now simply click the orange button located at the bottom of the access form that says “Login” and that’s it, you are in!

florida virtual school flvs sign in page step 3

Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Password and Username Recovery Instructions

If you forget your password or your username go back to the site’s sign in page using the above link, click the “Forgot User Name/Password?” link located right beneath the “password” text field,

florida virtual school flvs password username recovery

depending on your problem either enter your username and click “Recover Password”, or, enter your email address and name, and then click on “Recover Username”.


1. About FLVS.net.
2. How does it FLVS Work?