Forever Living Distributor

Forever Living is a multi-level marketing company that specializes in selling aloe vera and bee based products, personal care products, supplements and more. They focus on providing their customers with products that will allow them to live a better and healthier life. As stated on their official website, the company “manufactures and sells dozens of exclusive, beneficial wellness products based on nature’s purest gifts, Aloe Vera”.[1]

Forever Living Distributor Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your Distributor ID or email address in the first field of the access form located on the right center side of your screen.

forever living distributor sign in page step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box.

forever living distributor sign in page step 2

4. Click the green “Login” button at the bottom of the access form and that’s it, you are in!

forever living distributor sign in page step 3

Forever Living Distributor Sign Up

To become a Forever Living distributor you will first have to create an account, if you don’t have one yet go to the site’s sign up page at, fill out the entire registration form located in the center of the page, and then click on the green button located at the bottom right corner of the sign up form that says “Next”.

Forever Living Distributor Password Reset Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the site’s sign in page, click the “Forgot your password?” link located right beneath the “password” text field, or go directly to instead, which is the site’s “forgot password” reset page,

forever living distributor password recovery

then enter your Distributor ID or email address, and click on “Reset Password”.


1. About Forever Living.