Google Maps is a free online mapping service provided by Google Inc. The technology implemented by the maps team at is also available for third party developers, anyone can sign up for a Google Maps API in order to build their own awesome map applications that can then be embedded on their own websites or mobile apps. This technology also powers many map-based services provided by the company, such as the official Google Maps website, Google Ride Finder, and Google Transit.
At Google Maps you’ll find street maps, a route planner that provides free walking, biking, transit and driving directions, and other popular features such as 45 degree view, street view, and satellite images. Just in case you were wondering, satellite images are not updated in real time.
Google’s mapping service provides coverage in most countries around the world, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Canary Islands, Malta, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, North Korea, South Korea, South Sudan, USA, Canada, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, American Samoa, Australia, Japan, Hawaii, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, the Philippines, Taiwan, Spain, the Netherlands and France among many more. Visit GoogleCode to see the full list of countries where Google Maps provides coverage, the spreadsheet even shows where features such as directions, traffic, street view and business listings are available.
Google Maps is also available for mobile devices and platforms such as, Android, iOS, PlayStation Vita system software, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, BlackBerry OS, Palm OS, and Palm webOS.
To login to this web mapping site you will first have to create an account, the benefits of creating an account are that you’ll be able to easily create, save and share maps with everyone you know. If you don’t have an account yet click here to sign up for one now. After completing the registration process come back to this page to learn how to access your account.
Google Maps Login – Step By Step Tutorial
1. Go to the site’s home page located at the following url:
2. Click the red button located at the top right side of your screen that says “Sign In”.
3. Enter your email address in the first field.
4. Enter your Google Maps password in the second field.
5. Now simply click the blue “Sign In” button at the bottom and that’s it, you are in!
Now you can log into your account to start saving and creating maps, as well as accurate routes with step by step directions and multiple stops.