is a free online web mapping service / website owned and managed by AOL. The original company was founded in 1967 by R.R. Donnelley & Sons. In 1994 the company became independent and was renamed GeoSystems Global CorporationMapQuest. A couple of years later the company was acquired by America Online (AOL) in the year 2000, since then it has been one of the most popular and visited websites in the world, thanks to its accurate free driving directions service and interactive maps.
By signing in to MapQuest you’ll be able to save routes, access maps, hide well known steps to get to main local roads, save starting locations, use the fuel cost calculator, get directions and more. In order to login to the site you will first have to create an account, don’t worry, it’s free. Once you have registered for the site, come back to this page to learn how to access your account.
MapQuest Sign In – Step by Step Tutorial
1. Go to the site’s login page and also home page located at the following url:
2. Click the blue colored sign in link located in the navigation bar, at the top right side of your screen.
3. Now click the “Connect Using Facebook” button.
4. The final step is to accept the app, simply click “Log In with Facebook” and that’s it, you are done!
As you can see logging in to is free, easy and quick. I hope that from now on you’ll be able to get easy driving directions and map locations very quickly, have fun and take care!