What is ParentPay?
ParentPay provides a school online payment system, the company developed an application knwon as “ParentPay®” which allows parents to make secure payments by credit and debit card, they can also use this system to pay cash at local stores via the PayPoint network.(1)
ParentPay Sign Up
To start using this service you will first have to activate your account for online payments, if you haven’t done it yet go to the activation page, enter your activation codes 1 and 2 in the blank fields located at the bottom of the page, confirm your personal details, enter an email address to register, then choose your sign in details and click “Submit”.
After sign up come back to this page to learn how to access your account, if you don’t know how to do it, or, if you are having problems follow the steps below.
ParentPay Login – Step By Step Tutorial
1. Go to the site’s sign in page at https://www.parentpay.com/Parents/Login/.
The school login page is located at: https://www.parentpay.com/Schools/School-Login/.
2. Enter your username in the first field of the access form located in the bottom center of the page.
3. Enter your ParentPay.com user password in the second field box.
4. Now simply click “Submit” and that’s it, you are in!
If you forget your password go back to the site’s login page, click the “forgotten your password” link located right above the access form,
enter your email address or username, and click on “Send Instructions”.