PetSmart Login

PetSmart is a retailer of specialty pet supplies, the company also offers services such as dog training, day care, grooming, PetsHotels dog and cat boarding facilities, and the Banfield Pet Hospital. The company’s online portal which can be found at is also one of the world’s leading providers of pet care supplies and pet care information.[1] Customers can visit the company’s website and create an account in order to access special discounts and deals, shopping online for pet supplies has never been easier and more convenient, because at the site you will regularly find discounts of up to 25%, free shipping, and several other benefits.

To create a PetSmart account go to the site’s sign up page using the link below, fill out the registration form located in the middle of the page, you’ll see it right below where it says “New Customers”, then simply enter your email address, choose a password, and then click on “Sign In”.

PetSmart Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your e-mail address in the first field of the access form located on the left side of your screen.

petsmart sign in page step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box.

petsmart sign in page step 2

4. Now simply click the blue “Sign In” button at the bottom of the access form and that’s it, you are in!

petsmart sign in page step 3

PetSmart Password Recovery Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the site’s log in page following the steps that I previously described, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link located right beneath the “Sign In” button that I mentioned earlier,

petsmart password recovery

enter your email address in the pop up window, and click “Send Password”.


1. About