Stitcher Radio

Stitcher is an on-demand internet radio service that allows you to get portable and personalized news and listen to your favorite talk internet radio shows at any time, no matter where you are. The service focuses mainly on providing you with the latest news from around the world, they “Stitch” the content you want into personalized and always current stations that you can easily listen to on your iPhone, Android, desktop or laptop computer. After creating an account you will get “the latest segments stream to you automatically, without you having to manually refresh anything”.[1] The service is available for Android and iOS, as well as for desktop and laptop computers using their web app.

Stitcher Radio Sign Up
stitcher radio logo
Go to the site’s sign in page using the link below, click the “Connect with Facebook” button if you already have a profile to sign up automatically, all you have to do is accept the app and terms of service (TOS) of the site and that’s it. If you don’t have an FB profile click the “Email Sign Up” link located right beneath the “Connect With Facebook” button, enter the required information (email, password, confirm password), click the blue button at the bottom of the form that says “Register” and then follow the provided instructions to get started right away.

You can also use this service as a guest, that means that you won’t have to log in or sign up in order to listen to your favorite content, simply click the “or use as a guest” link which is located beneath the “email sign up” link and that’s it, the only problem is that the content won’t be as personalized as you would like it to be, but that’s just about it.

Stitcher Radio Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to Stitcher’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Click the “Existing User Sign In” located on the middle right side of the page.

stitcher radio sign in step 1

3. Enter your email address in the first field of the access form that you will see in the pop up window.

stitcher radio sign in step 2

4. Enter your user password in the second field box.

stitcher radio sign in step 3

5. Click the blue “Login” button at the bottom and that’s it, you are in!

stitcher radio sign in step 4

Stitcher Radio Login With Facebook

You can also access the site with your Facebook profile information, this option or method, call it how you want it, is easier and quicker than the previous one, so if you have an FB account then you probably want to use this option instead, because it will help you save a little bit of time, and that’s something we can never get enough of.

To sign in using your FB login information simply go to the site’s user access page using the link above, click “Existing User Sign In”, now click the “Connect With Facebook” button in the pop-up window,

stitcher radio sign in with facebook

accept the app and terms of service, done! Radio Password Reset Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the site’s user access page, click the “Forgot Your User Password?” link located right beneath the blue “Login” button in the pop up window, or simply go directly to the site’s forgot password page at if you want to speed up the process and save time,

stitcher radio password recovery

enter your email address, and click “Submit”.


1. What is Stitcher?