
Login to StumbleUpon a website, I also like to think of it as a “Tool, and a social networking service that’s pretty unique and amazing actually, because it’s also a discovery engine which looks for the best content on the web and recommends it to its users. The site was basically created to help web surfers to easily find new and interesting stuff that they like on the internet. After signing up for an account you will be able to start stumbling pages, then you can tell them if you like or don’t like those recommendations in order to improve the content that’s served to you and to the rest of the community.[1]

StumbleUpon Sign Up
stumbleupon logo
Go to, fill out the registration form located in the middle of the page, click the green button at the bottom that says “Sign Up” and then follow the provided instructions to get started right away. You can also join the site using your Facebook profile information, simply go back to the site’s registration page click the “Connect With Facebook” button that you will see at the top of the page, accept the app and the terms of service of the site and that’s all.

StumbleUpon Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your email address or username in the first field of the access form located in the middle of the page.

stumbleupon sign in step 1

3. Enter your user password in the second field box.

stumbleupon sign in step 2

4. Click the red button at the bottom that says “Sign In” and that’s it, you are in!

stumbleupon sign in step 3

StumbleUpon Login With Facebook

If you already have a Facebook account then you should use this option instead because it will help you save a little bit of time and it’s easier too. Simply go to the site’s users access page using the link above, click the blue “Sign In With Facebook” button located at the top of your screen,

stumbleupon sign in with facebook

accept the app and the terms of service (TOS) of the site, and you’re done.

StumbleUpon Password Recovery Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the site’s log in page, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link located below the “password” text field, or you could instead go directly to, which is StumbleUpon’s official password reset page,

stumbleupon password recovery

enter your email address or username on the next page, and click on the red button that says “Reset Password”.


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