University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix Login Information

In this page you will learn how to sign in to your University of Phoenix account online, we will also share with you other useful information such as how to sign up, log out, recover your username or password in case you forget them, and more.

The University of Phoenix is a higher learning institution, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. It has 112 campuses throughout the world and it is known for providing undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs by area of interest such as Business & Management, Education, Nursing, Health Administration, Criminal Justice & Security, Psychology & Social Sciences, Arts & Sciences, and Technology.

University of Phoenix Sign Up
university of phoenix logo
If you are new to the campus and you want to start using this service you will first have to sign up, if you haven’t done it yet click here to register now. Simply fill out the form, click “Register” and you’re done.

After signing up come back to this page to learn how to access your account online, if you don’t know how to do it, or, if you are having problems follow the steps below.

Univesrity of Phoenix Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your username in the first field of the access form located to the right side of your screen.

university of phoenix sign in step 1

3. Enter your UOPX user password in the second field.

university of phoenix sign in step 2

4. Now simply click the “Login” button and that’s it, you are in!

university of phoenix sign in step 3

If you forget your password or username, all you have to do is go back to the site’s sign in page, click the “Forgot Username/Password?” link located beneath the login button,

university of phoenix password recovery

indicate the problem that you are experiencing, and click on “Continue”.