Vistaprint is an online provider of marketing products and services such as business cards, postcards, invitations and stationery, signs and banners, clothing and accessories, holiday products, design services, stamps and ink, labels and stickers, photo gifts, promotional items, and more. Even though the company focuses mainly on providing high quality, affordable products and services to small businesses and consumers, they also help medium and large companies achieve their marketing goals more efficiently, especially those running on a tight budget and in desperate need of time.[1]
Vistaprint Sign Up
To create a Vistaprint account go to the site’s sign in page using the link that you will find below on the first step of this tutorial, enter your email address in the first field of the registration form located on the left side of your screen, check the box that says “No, I am a new customer”, then fill out the rest of the registration form which will be automatically displayed as soon as you check the box that I just mentioned, and then click on the blue button that says “Sign Up”.
Vistaprint Login – Step By Step Tutorial
1. Go to the site’s sign in page located at the following url:
2. Enter your email address in the first field of the access form located on the left side of your screen.
3. Enter your user password in the second field box.
4. Click the blue button located at the bottom of the access form that says “Sign In” and that’s it, you are in!
Vistaprint Password Recovery Instructions
If you forget your password go back to the site’s user access page following the steps that I previously described, click the “Reset My Password” link located right beneath the blue “Sign In” button that I mentioned earlier,
enter your email address, and click “Submit”.