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Webstagram Login Information

In this page you will learn how to sign in to your web.stagram.com account, and we will also share with you other useful information that you might need about this website and its services such as how to create an account (sign up guide), how to reset or recover your password, log out steps and more.

Webstagram is a website that provides an advanced Instagram web viewing service for free. This extremely popular Instagram web viewer basically provides all of Instagram’s most advanced functionality through a browser-based application, after signing in you will be able to view photos of your favorite users (people you follow), like and comment on your favorite photos, follow and unfollow other members of the network, see your following and followers list, and more.[1]

To start using Webstagram you will first have to create an Instagram account, if you still don’t have one go this page to learn how to create one.

Webstagram Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s sign in/home page located at the following url: http://web.stagram.com/.

2. Click the pink button located at the bottom left corner of the page that says “Login”.

webstagram sign in page step 1

3. Enter your username in the first field of the access form located in the center of your screen.

webstagram sign in page step 2

4. Enter your user password in the second field box.

webstagram sign in page step 3

5. Now simply click the green button that says “Log In” and that’s it, you are in!

webstagram sign in page step 4

Webstagram Password Recovery Instructions

If you forget your password go back to the sign in page, click the “Forgot Password?” link located right beneath the “password” text field,

webstagram password recovery

enter you e-mail address or username, enter the Recaptcha code, and click on the green button at the bottom of the page that says “Reset Password”.


1. About Webstagram.