Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers is a question and answer (Q&A) website in which the online community plays a big role, questions and answers are posted by real users just like you and me, people also call this site a “knowledge market”. After signing up for this service you will have the chance to earn points and increase your reputation, you con use this service to show yourself as an expert in certain topics or industry.

In some countries the platform is available under different names, for example in Japan it is known as Yahoo! Chiebukuro, in China, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong it is called Yahoo! Knowledge, and in Arabic language it is called Seen Jeem is available through Maktoob, a Yahoo! subsidiary.

Yahoo Answers Sign Up
yahoo answers logo
If you already have an account go to the site’s home page to access Yahoo’s Q&A site using your email address and password. If you haven’t signed up yet click here to create an account for free. Once you have completed the registration process come back to this page to learn how to access your account, if you do not know how to sign in or if you are having problems simply follow the steps below.

Yahoo! Answers Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to the site’s home page located at the following url and click the “Sign in” link located on the upper left side of your screen.

yahoo answers sign in step 1

2. Enter your email address in the first field of the access form located to the left side of your screen.

yahoo answers sign in step 2

3. Enter your Yahoo! Answers login password in the second field.

yahoo answers sign in step 3

4. Now simply click the blue button at the bottom that says “Sign in” and that’s it, you are in!

yahoo answers sign in step 4